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Drug Testing

Phencyclidine (PCP)

Phencyclidine (PCP)

Phencyclidine is a recreational drug that was marketed in the 1950s as an anesthetic pharmaceutical drug. It was taken off the market due to its dissociative hallucinogenic side effects.
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Tramadol (TRM)

Tramadol (TRM)

Tramadol is an synthetic opioid analgesic with some antidepressant effects. It is used to treat moderate to moderate-severe pain. It is used and metabolized in the body similarly to codeine.
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Is medical marijuana safe?

Is medical marijuana safe?

Although some marijuana derivatives have been approved for use in chemo-induced nausea and epilepsy treatments,1 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not widely approved marijuana as a safe and effective...
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What drugs do tests detect?

What drugs do tests detect?

Testing conducted according to SAMHSA’s guidelines checks for five illicit drugs plus, in some cases, alcohol (ethanol, ethyl alcohol, booze).  These five illicit drugs are: Amphetamines (meth, speed, crank, ecstasy)...
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